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Password Generator

AmanSingh6574's github profile

About Generate the password automatically according to the given conditions such as include uppercase, lowercase letters, no of password required, etc. It also checks for the strength of the password generated and indicates it with geen and red colors

Rock Paper Scissors

Swapnil-Singh-99's github profile

Rock Paper Scissors Game created using html, css, javascript

Weather App

coderhersh's github profile

Weather web app made with reactjs JS and tailwindcss which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.


ujjawaltyagii's github profile

Built an image classifier using Python, Tensorflow and Keras with Jupyter Notebook to classify sad and happy faces.

Weather Website

Ajay84sia's github profile

A weather Website that can show real-time weather. Check weather for your city.


T-Regx's github profile

Lightweight, high-level library for regular expressions in php

Movie App

SurajG20's github profile

A Movie app made in reactjs using TMDB api deployed on Vercel

Voice Assistant App

jiggy9's github profile

It is a flutter voice assistant application where you can ask for any answer and it'll help through voice and text.

QR Code Generator

Shiva-Sai-ssb's github profile

Simple app to generate and download a QR code that can be used to share a link.


AgamK18's github profile

User can search for any cryptocurrency and see details about the same. The user can also follow latest news about the domain.